sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009

Merriweather Post Pavilion

I'm having the weirdest year so far, full of confusion, fear, frustration and other stuff going through my mind that I can't be bother with right now, at least, so I'm just talking music.

The best album of 2009: Animal Collective's 'Merriweather Post Pavilion' will be my ranting post here folks, prepare to feel amused by the band's latest LP.

It was clear for me the first time I listened to MPP, back in December, when 2009 hadn't even started yet, that I had found the best album of the year.

It's the most fun, addicting, mesmerizing, and experimental of their albums yet. It makes me feel angst, and for some reason my favorite albums make me feel angst, maybe that's the way my gut tells me this is so good that surpasses my expectations? I don't know.
The whole album is amazing but the highlights for me would have to be:

The feeling I had the first time I listened to 'My Girls', just as he starts singing "Isn't much that I feel I need, a solid soul and the blood I bleed" I smiled, I felt this is it, this is gonna be a great album. The honesty, the energy bottling up, the synergy of the voices, everything, with the bottom line: there's no bullshit that can't disturb the priorities in life, as long as I'm able to live the way I want, with the people I love.
Then we get to 'Also Frightened', when it actually makes me feel I'm not alone, that there's a bond that makes us all the same in some sort of way. The lingering of the voices makes it even better.
'Summertime Clothes' starts and I feel like I'm in a 70's movie with a bunch of kids, I feel like I’m time traveling to my childhood and I actually start missing home if I'm not there, while listening to this fun song, thinking, this is what joy feels like once in a while.
Now there’s 'Bluish', that just melts me, it's a beautiful song indeed. Then ‘Guys Eyes’ and ‘Lion in a Coma’ entertaining me long enough to get to 'Brothersport' when I just reassure myself what I thought listening to the first tracks, “this album rocks my socks off”. This song builds itself in the most awesome way until you forget what you were singing in the first place, because it's so much fun.

They never seize to amaze me, their infinite spirit and determination to create something out of the ordinary is extraordinary. So I think, this is the beginning of a great music year for me, 'cause I'm recently putting my hope that my peace of mind, in great part, will be restored with music, and so far I've listened to amazing new and old music that makes me think this is possible.

Ultimately, this weird year I'm having will get better if I want it to, just thank God there's this amount of good music floating around. Will we ever get rid the world of bad music? No, there's always lame taste in everything, that's just the way it is, I'm tired of fighting everything I can't control.This whole situation makes the power of this production even more meaningful to me, aside from the fact, of course, that Animal Collective's one of the best bands out there right now. Will another album beat MPP? We'll see, it feels like a long shot but everything's possible, if so, I will only be happy of this year music goodness.

P.D: the cover art for the album is just the cherry on top.

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